
The Sawai Group promotes diversity, inclusion, and equity by accepting diverse talent in terms of not only gender and origin but also age, personality, values, disabilities and other aspects. Utilizing such diverse human resources, we are committed to creating new ideas and values based on diverse values and fostering a corporate culture of openness and unity through communication and teamwork based on mutual respect for each other’s position.

Support for female employees

In the Sawai Group, many female employees are demonstrating their capabilities, with women comprising a relatively high percentage of all employees. Furthermore, to encourage motivated and competent human resources, regardless of gender, to work with enthusiasm, we work to create a secure and comfortable workplace environment.

In 2022, we launched a Group-wide project to devise measures to promote inclusion, diversity, and equity (ID&E). The project team, which comprised members called from the entire Group, proposed many measures for discussion, such as providing employees, including management team members, with training to help them change their own mindsets. Leveraging these proposals, in October 2023, we established an ID&E Promotion Office as a department dedicated to further accelerating these measures. As one of these measures, in 2024, we provided management team members with training in the promotion of women’s active engagement.

Moreover, in the General Employer Action Plan that we formulated in line with the Act on the Promotion of Women’s Active Engagement in Professional Life, we have set a target of increasing the percentage of female managers at Sawai Pharmaceutical, the Group’s core company, to 15% or more by the end of March 2027. We will continue our efforts to promote women’s active engagement.

For more details about this project, refer to the section dedicated to the Sawai Gender Action “S-Wing” Project.

“S-Wing” Project

  • Japanese Language Website

Working together with persons with disabilities

The Sawai Group aims to provide rewarding workplaces for persons with disabilities and other socially vulnerable people and employ persons with disabilities higher than the statutory rate. We have created an environment where persons with disabilities can work cheerfully by such means as assisting them in formulating their own career plans according to their individual characteristics and providing workplace facilities that are accessible for them.

For more details about the employment rate of persons with disabilities, refer to the ESG data “Diversity Promotion”.

ESG Data “Diversity Promotion”

Support for seniors’ success

The Sawai Group has established the “employment extension system” that enables full-time employees to work up to the age of 70, even after the mandatory retirement age of 60, from the perspective of declining birthrate and aging population in Japan, as well as the advent of a society of healthy longevity. This measure is intended to be one of the ways of supporting the active engagement of diverse talent. In addition, we allow employees over the age of 55 to choose to work alternate days or shorter hours so that they can use the resulting time off for community service, volunteering, or other activities. In this way, we encourage senior employees to work cheerfully in a flexible way.

Support for LGBT and other sexual minorities

The Sawai Group aims to be an organization where all employees can work cheerfully in their own way, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity. We will work to solve issues faced by sexual minorities, including LGBT people, by establishing a consultation desk for them.