Sawai Group’s business activities depend upon the values and resources that biodiversity provides, which is a blessing provided by the intricate relationships between earth’s myriad of organisms. For this reason, we are committed to environmental conservation activities in the recognition that global environmental problems, including biodiversity issues across the globe, are a part of our material issues.
Endorsement of the Keidanren Declaration of Biodiversity and Action Guidelines
We participate in the Japan Business Federation (Keidanren). We support the Keidanren Declaration of Biodiversity and work to help conserve biodiversity as a member of the Keidanren Initiative for Biodiversity Conservation.
Making an active commitment to biodiversity conservation

The Itasenpara bitterling, a kind of bitterling, is an endangered fish species designated as a “Natural Monument” by the Japanese Government. This species was quite common in the Yodo River long ago, but its population so drastically decreased that no individuals of the species were observed at a time. In hope of protecting the Itasenpara bitterling, the symbol of the Action Guidelines on Public-Private Partnership for Biodiversity of the Yodo River, we hold an activity event at Shirokita Wando (Shirokita Inlet) in Asahi Ward, Osaka City, which is close to the place of our founding, twice a year, where participants eradicate individuals of foreign fish species and clean up the riverbanks. In FY2023, a total of 29 people participated in the activities.
Declaration of Support for Osaka Biodiversity
The Osaka Prefectural Government has approved the registration of our Declaration of Support for Osaka Biodiversity in recognition of our biodiversity initiatives, including the above mentioned activities, as well as tree planting activities at our factories and the initiative launched at the Kashima Factory to prevent the generation of microplastic waste by recycling press through packaging (PTP) sheet waste into material. Through this registration program, the Osaka Prefectural Government supports the efforts of companies and organizations in the prefecture that declare their commitment to actively work toward conserving biodiversity.
Declaration of Support
Declaration item 2: We will actively use products from Osaka Prefecture and biodiversity-friendly products.
Declaration item 3: We will work to foster awareness of biodiversity conservation by providing our employees and other people with environmental education.
Declaration item 4: We will engage in activities to conserve the natural environment and improve the habitats of living creatures.
Declaration item 5: We will impart and spread knowledge of biodiversity by holding events (including wildlife surveys) and other means.
Declaration item 6: We will protect the habitats and environments for growth of native species by giving careful consideration to the introduction of foreign species or by eradicating them.
Declaration item 7: We will give aid and donations to parties involved in biodiversity conservation.
Declaration item 10: Original declaration item
Declaration of Support for Osaka Biodiversity
- Japanese Language Website
Sawai Pharmaceutical, the core company of Sawai Group, has planted and maintained about 50 kinds of trees on the site of its Kanto Factory. The company has also constructed and maintained a balancing reservoir, whose purposes include the prevention of floods as well, to provide organisms living around the factory with a suitable habitat. Water used at the factory is discharged appropriately in compliance with applicable laws and regulations in order to minimize its impact on the biodiversity of the nearby area.