EnvironmentalEnvironmental Management

We recognize close relations between Sawai Group’s business activities and global environment issues and believe that working to preserve the global environment is one of the most important challenges we need to tackle to enable people to live “healthier lives,” as declared in our corporate philosophy. We therefore cooperate with local communities and wider society to preserve the global environment. Sawai Group’s Code of Conduct has a chapter dedicated to the environment: Chapter 7 “Alongside the Global Environment.” We recognize our responsibility for preserving the global environment and take practical action to fulfill that responsibility.

Sawai Group Code of Conduct
Chapter 7: Alongside the Global Environment
1. Preserving the global environment

To help achieve a sustainable society, each of us will actively work to preserve the global environment with keen awareness of the environmental impact of our corporate activities.

Organizational structure

The Sawai Group has in place the Group Sustainability Committee, which comprises representatives from each Group company and meets four times a year to discuss and consider sustainability-related issues, including global environment issues.

This Committee has a Global Environment Team, which comprises members from each Group company, as a subordinate organization in charge of promoting specific initiatives and activities to address environmental issues. This Team reports to the Committee every quarter and is continuously involved in environmental initiatives and improvement activities in accordance with instructions and advice given by the Committee.

Environmental compliance

The Sawai Group works to prevent the realization of environmental risks by ensuring that each of its business sites thoroughly complies with environmental laws and regulations, ordinances, and other rules that apply to it regarding climate change, waste, etc. In response to increasingly tightened environmental laws and regulations, we share related information with all our business sites and conduct regular audits of their environmental compliance to confirm that they meet legal requirements and regulations in their operations. When we find any problem, we promptly implement improvement measures.

As an environmental monitoring measure at our business sites, we have adopted a new system for collecting and managing environmental data and started seeking third-party verification to ensure the credibility of these data for disclosure. The process of verification by external experts has brought us additional benefits, such as detecting the sources of problems that we otherwise could not have noticed and increasing our technical knowledge. We will continue to utilize this verification to make further improvements.

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