GovernanceRisk Management

Risk management system

There are various risks which, if realised, could have a significant impact on the Sawai Group’s financial position, business performance and cash flows. In order to respond appropriately to the various risks that may exist in our business activities, the Sawai Group has established a Group Risk Management Committee, chaired by Group Chief General Affairs Officer, which oversees risk management and identifies particularly significant risks in terms of their frequency of occurrence and the impact they may have on our business. In order to adequately address identified significant risks, we have established a system for continuous improvement by reviewing the countermeasures taken by each responsible department and by managing and evaluating their progress.

The major risks identified by the Sawai Group are as follows:

Business Risks

Information system and security

The Sawai Group holds a large amount of important information about people and things both inside and outside the Group, including personal information and trade secrets. To protect and manage these information assets, we have established information security management policies, implemented IT security measures, and stored data in multiple locations, including external data centers. We have also established a Group Information Security Committee to provide education and raise awareness, and promote information security initiatives throughout the company.

In fiscal 2022, we implemented a zero-trust network. We also regularly provided e-learning programs and training to all employees on how to deal with targeted email attacks, and held lectures on cybercrime prevention by external experts to train employees in charge of the information security of their department.

We also commissioned an external organisation to carry out an information security assessment to confirm that our information security management and measures were being properly implemented. The Group IT department, which is responsible for information security, has also obtained Information Security Management System (ISMS) certification.

Climate change

The impact of climate change on society and the economy is significant and could have a significant financial impact on the Sawai Group, which is why we regard addressing climate change as one of the key issues we need to address as a Group.

Specific initiatives on climate change are as follows.

Climate Change

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